The Cow Conversation

Nǐ hǎo Bloggie!!

Happy New Year to all my Chinese people!!

Look who's keeping her word and showing up today! So I had initially planned to update you on my interview and guest lecture situation. But the happenings of yesterday are still on my mind and still cracking me up.

So as I mentioned before, I'm from a big (not football team size) family. As you can imagine with this kind of family, there are many more characters involved. I always felt like if our parents had sold tickets to our daily happenings, we would have been filthy rich! Our reality show would have been better than any show on TV! Yes, I said it. :P

Lucky for our parents, their children are pretty close and pretty similar as well. We all have great senses of humour, enjoy the same kind of shows and foods, have similar interests and are pretty supportive of each other. And, we all enjoy bantering/ taking jabs at each other. Since I already mentioned that Africans love to do that here, we're of course no exception. There are some unspoken rules though. Such as you must always acknowledge a good hit and give the other person credit for a job well done, and you can't really be insulting one another. Why all this long story you ask? Calm down! I'm getting there. Geez!

Proof we would have made an awesome show? Here's a little conversation between one of my sisters (Susan) and I. On Wednesday, Susan and I were talking and she wanted me to do XYZ. Something I didn't want to do. The following conversation ensued.

Susan: "By Executive Decree, Ma say make you do XYZ. Gbam!". Translation: Mom says you should do XYZ.
Me:  "Lmao. Make una dey decree for there". Translation: You guys should keep decreeing.
Susan: "Olodo!". Translation: Silly!

We spoke later that night and I assumed all had been forgotten. Indeed, I was wrong. Here comes Thursday!

Susan: "Madam, do your assignment o!"
Me: "Bwahahahaha. Mwahahahahahaha!!!"
Susan: "Evil COwwwwwww!!! Shame!"

I was in the office about to fall off my chair!

Me: "Really?! Cow?"
Susan: "Yes. Skinny muscular evil cow! Gbam! E dey pain you?" Translation: Does this affect you?

I had to take a little break and step out of my cube. This girl was going to put me in trouble!

Me: "Hahaha. E no pain me at all. I'm still roflmao!".

Because she put so much effort into that message, I had to create the picture above. I imagine that those words would hold more water with that wonderful expression up there. Don't you think so too? It's still cracking me up. These are the kinds of conversations we have in my family. And this is just a sample of what we come up with. It's all in good fun and I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Just in case you were wondering what her response was...
"Are you at work? Do you feel better now?"... I was ill the day before.


Oh and "gbam" simply means "there!". Have a great weekend!!


  1. so interesting post
    have a nice weekend

    1. Aww thank you so much Maite! I'm checking out your blog right now :).

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. nice conversation ... have a blessed day ahead.


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