New Addition!

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Happy Sunday Bloggie!!

Also Happy Solemnity of Christ and End of Faith Year!

With all those to celebrate today, wouldn't you agree it would be a good day to be born?! I do! Although I doubt my ma wants to push me out again.

Today my family has been blessed with a new addition. We have a new nephew/son/grandson!! You didn't know this, but I take my aunty duties very seriously (I'm the spoiler and the yeller). I'm super excited as I now have a new one to spoil! :). He's across the continent, but we'll manage just fine. Every time I think my heart just can't habour any more love, these little ones come in and find a way to expand it.
I had a post for today, but the nephew's announcement is soooo much better :).

New post on Wednesday (trying to do a Sunday and Wednesday post routine).

You can find me staring at my phone waiting for updates!



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