Girls and Guys Can be Friends: A Rant

Hi Bloggie,

So recently I've been seeing a lot of articles floating around on reasons “why guys and girls can’t be friends”. The amount of content I've seen in the last week alone makes me believe that society is overwhelmingly obsessed with this topic. Scanning all these articles, I didn't find anything substantial to support this claim. They all end up saying “there’ll always be some sexual tension” and “someone will always fall for the other”.

Sure there might be sexual tension if the opposite sexes are friends but since when does that define a relationship? We don’t have sex with everyone we’re attracted to (well I hope not) so why should we not be able to shut down the attraction to a friend? It just doesn't make sense to me that all the articles hammer on this point and believe that it is valid. I have a lot of guy friends and I don’t think our friendships would be called friendships if we gave in to attraction. They would either be exes, hookups or whatever other labels exist. Also, these articles make it sound as though friendship is limited to same sex only (for heterosexuals). Really?

And to the point that someone will always want the other or fall in love with the other doesn't mean that two people are no longer friends. Every day, I want to be a billionaire but that hasn't made me one. Therefore, why should the thought of wanting something mean that something more has occurred? It also doesn't help that once people see two friends they feel the need to give winks, smiles and high-fives. I mean come on! This destroys rather than encourages people. So many times people have envisioned my "perfect" relationship with so many different friends and tried to plant the seed of "check him out". The feeling is just plain unpleasant because sometimes you start to question and scrutinize everything your friend does. All for nothing... 

It just doesn't make sense. If ever there was an article that came up with concrete reasons why platonic friendships cannot occur, I would be willing to have a rethink. 

Friendships are an essential part of life so why should something as little as gender be a deciding factor?

I believe I’m out of steam.



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