Toasting (Wooing) 101: A Much Needed Class

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Hey Bloggie!

Some friends and I have always discussed the need for #toasting courses. We’ve also considered teaching these courses ourselves if need be (need I say we haven’t taught any classes and that this toasting thing is getting worse?). Granted in today’s society, girls do most of the toasting and so a lot of guys are definitely out of their element when it comes to toasting. Notwithstanding, they should still be able to say a few things here and there that will make a woman not toasting them happy abi?

Before you think me judgmental, here are a few lines I’ve heard and you can judge for yourself if there really is a need for a beginner’s course in toasting.

“I will Google you" –  my body’s a search engine
“I think I’m falling in love with you" –  after speaking to him twice
“Our baby will be very beautiful. Let’s have a baby together" –  no official date yet
“You have the qualities I look for in a wife--- homely, God fearing and smart" –  also no official date and seriously WTH??
“You’re a research assistant? That’s what I want to be" –  no need to ask what kind of research I do
“You must hear this often… you have a beautiful smile and your teeth are so white”
“You need to let me know if you've slept with my roommates" –  in response to do you have roommates and who are they?
"I am a doctor" –  oya wait let me go and bring you red carpet

Don't these lines make you swoon? I mean they're amazing lines right? And these are just the ones I've heard. We haven’t even talked about the ones my friends have gotten.

The lines got so bad I had to wonder if all the good ones I had received were figments of my imagination. So for reinforcement, I called a couple of my guy friends and we were dropping lines to each other. Nope. It definitely was not my imagination. Some guys still have the skill. There’s still hope.

I've never understood why some guys won’t just stick to what they know when trying to talk to girls. It just doesn't make sense to me. They’re stepping outside their comfort zone talking to a lady so why don’t they start with things that are already known to them? It’s especially sad when I meet Nigerian guys from my generation and above with the weakest of lines!!! They have songs and movies with amazing lines they could use for reference. We have had the fortune of 2face, Flavour, Banky W, Jeremiah Gyang, P-Square, Faze, Sunny Neji and so on. These are people that have dropped lines not only in English, but in all other languages as well. We all sing the songs without knowing what the words mean exactly but from the sound of them, we know they're endearing and we love them. 

Whatever happened to ethnic toasting? Why are the guys suddenly trying to use English to the core? Nothing kills toasting (at least for me) faster than when a guy immediately switches to “baby”… I just had shivers thinking about it. Have you ever met a Hispanic guy? He knows how to use his language to woo a woman. He immediately uses terms of endearment in Spanish. He’s very confident that it’ll work in his favour and the over confidence that he has will make you trip. But the African guys I've met, who side? Some even pretend not to understand their languages. They think it’ll make them appear too ethnic.Terms of endearment in native tongues always make courting more personal. If nothing else, create a super cute nickname or borrow from another language. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that guys don’t talk to girls in languages but the African guys that I know, mostly use it when talking to girls from their own tribes. It’s always good to mix it up a little. Teach some, learn some.

Well if I ever teach the 101 course, being true to themselves would be the first lesson I’d give my students. At least it would eliminate some of the useless lines that myself and others have received. Perhaps then, they’ll not want to use lines and just speak from their hearts instead.

Given the lines above, I never try wey I no pour pepper for person eye?

Oh and here's a line I just heard in a movie: "I want you to give yourself to me. You know that God loves a cheerful giver". ROFL

Adios Bloggie!


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