A New Dawn

Hello Bloggie!!

I’m obviously Tonia, and you and I will be spending a lot of time together (I hope). Just to get things rolling a bit here, here are a few things you should know about me. Since you’ll most likely be hearing about my interests and I guess non-interests, you should have an idea of who I am J.

First let me say that I am super excited about the relationship that is about to forge between us. You are already a part of me (that probably sounds creepy but I promise there’ll be a lot more creepy stuff in the future).

So here we go! I am an educated super young Nigerian female, and I absolutely love to try new things. I make it a point every year to do something I’ve never done before (no matter how little it is). I have a variety of interests including books, shows, public health, global health, research, food and most recently, hair and you.

By virtue of being a part of me, all these apply to you too (how cool is that?!). I can’t wait for our adventures to begin and for you to know more about me every time I write. Here a few things you can look forward to me writing on: my life journey, my thoughts on (un)serious issues, hair, men, friends, and food.   

This is where I bid you adios Bloggie! I hope you are as excited about this adventure as I am. Till next time!


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